
This Father’s Day, spend less money on the best sunglasses for dad this year from the hottest collections on the market today. For all the dads out there – Happy Father’s Day!

Whether dad is the trendy type, loves the outdoors, fancies himself an avid reader, or can’t get enough of the classics, these pairs are sure to impress. He’s a great dad, why not get him a great pair and save big while you’re at it?

For Trendy Dads

If dad is the trendy type, you know he can’t go without the hot new shiny thing that just came out. He’s probably watching videos on how to get the most out of his new smartphone: we definitely know the type. Save on the right pair for the dad who’s still young and knows what modern styling is all about. Shop these (and more) brand new styles at ShadesDaddy today. 

Summer Sale price: $144.13

Summer Sale price: $233.30

For Sporty Dads

If dad is the outdoorsman type, he’s probably thinking about his next baseball game or fishing trip with the guys. Our guess is he’s adjusting the laces on his boots for his next hike – just a hunch! Save on the perfect pair for the dad who wants something reliable while on the water and ready for the field. Shop these (and more) extra sporty styles at ShadesDaddy today.

Summer Sale Price: $44.44

Summer Sale Price: 34.67

For The Book-Loving Dad

If dad loves his books, he’s probably going through his kindle for the latest non-fiction book or long-form Substack piece to peruse. It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to assume he’s reading this right now – hey dad! Save on the greatest optical pairs for the dad who only puts his books down (almost always, anyway) for his family. Shop these (and more) trending optical styles at ShadesDaddy today. 

Summer Sale Price: $216.12

Summer Sale Price: $223.10

For The Classic Dad

If dad is the classic type, you know he’s all about vintage vibes and ageless aesthetics. Save on the exact pair for the dad with a taste for the nostalgic. We take it he’s going through old-school Davidson images online right now. Shop these (and more) vintage styles At ShadesDaddy today.

Summer Sale Price: $276.20

Summer Sale Price: $252.80

Regardless of what type of style dad has, he’s always dad. Save on the gift that shows him just how much you appreciate him this Father’s Day with the best glasses for dad at

Shop for Dad

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