It is that time of year again. Gradually warming temperatures are melting the snow and waking up the grass. It will not be long before flowers start to bloom, and birds begin singing the songs of spring. And what does it all point to? More sun, more travel, and higher sales revenues for you. Are you prepared to sell more of those bulk sunglasses you have purchased from us in recent months?

As a wholesale sunglasses distributor, we look forward to spring’s arrival every year. The change in seasons is obviously good for our business. But it is also good for yours. You can trust us when we say that we want you to succeed. When retail sunglasses sell, we both win!

Prime Targets for Spring Sales

We have no way of knowing your prime targets for women’s wholesale sunglasses and men’s wholesale sunglasses. But we do know there are certain audiences that are more easily targeted for spring sales. Near the top of the list are families with travel plans.

Spring is the ideal time to head south for a little bit of fun in the sun. And when people head south, they buy sunglasses. Spring is also an ideal time for taking shorter trips that allow families to get away without interfering with school schedules that only get tighter as the end of the year approaches. But even families who prefer shorter trips still buy sunglasses.

Additional targets for spring sales include:

  • Anglers – The advent of spring invites anglers to get out on their boats.
  • Athletes – Warmer weather gets athletes out of the gym and into the great outdoors.
  • Landscapers – Landscapers who have had the winter off start cutting lawns and planting flowers in the spring.
  • Road Crews – Spring ushers in the annual road construction season and the need for new shades among road crew workers.

There may be other groups of people you are thinking of right now. That’s fine. You know your audience best. The point being made here is to think about the types of customers most likely to buy sunglasses from you in the spring. They are the ones to target with marketing efforts over the next couple of months.

We Have the Inventory

We are here to come alongside you with a complete inventory of wholesale sunglasses for men, women, and children. Olympic Eyewear carries nearly two-dozen brands as well as a selection of unbranded, logo-free products ready to accept your label.

Check out our inventory and you will see aviator, cat eye, and wayfarer sunglasses in bulk. You’ll find wraparounds and sports sunglasses. You will see that we carry sunglasses in just about every size, shape, and color consumers want. Needless to say that we have the inventory.

We make it a point to stay abreast of consumer trends so that we always have the bulk sunglasses you need to keep your shelves stocked. As you prepare for spring and summer sales, be sure to check out what we have going. If you ever have questions about our inventory, do not hesitate to ask.

Don’t Wait for the Season to Arrive

Spring is now on the doorstep. Summer will follow shortly thereafter. The last thing we want to encourage you with is a reminder to not wait for either season to arrive. Be proactive. Get ready for both spring and summer in the weeks leading up to each seasonal change.

With the change of seasons come opportunities to increase your revenue. Give it your best shot for spring and summer 2024. We can supply the wholesale sunglasses. You supply the drive and willingness to turn them into revenue.

The post Spring Is Coming So Are More Sunglasses Sales appeared first on Wholesale Sunglasses Blog.


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