I definitely look back on it fondly. It was a challenge, in that the script was changing at a certain point…. There was a certain point early on where the story shifted. A new writer was brought in and things were changed. And so, I had met Jyn Erso’s character one way, and they even used it in the trailers where I say, ‘Hello, Cassian said you are a friend. I will not kill you.’ And people, when I would go to Comic-Cons would say, ‘Could you write that?’ I’m like, ‘It’s not in the movie, that quote!’ It was just an early version of how I met Jyn Erso. So things changed.We were on set and we’d be like, ‘Ok so this scene is after we’ve met? Or before? Oh, we just met in a new scene that happened.’ So that’s tough. That’s tricky. That can shake your faith.


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